A downloadable Website

This project was developed for a web design assessment.

It was developed using local storage to hold meal and meal plan information saved by the user.

I used Figma to design the website. 

The user could also search the recipe API, which was Edamam Recipe Search API, for such fields as Cuisine, Meal type, Allergies, Servings, Cook time and Calories. A standard text search query is also supported. 

The meals returned by the API was displayed, including images, calories and ingredients. The user could also rate each meal at this point, and add it to pre-existing Meal Plans. A link to the recipe is also accessible. The quantity can also be changed, which alters calories, and ingredient quantities. 

Each of the saved meals can be accessed, and sorted by rating, calories, number of ingredients or date added. The meals could also then be added to the meal plans.

Meal Plans could be created based on start date and number of days. By default, producing a 7 day plan from the current date. If the user has multiple meal plans, they can be navigated between. 

Meals can be directly added to each day of the meal plan on this page, and completed and deleted. 

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